Iowa State University Free Speech Issue

At Iowa State University there has been some issues regarding the freedom of speech specifically with issues around the upcoming political election. The University has taken a stand against forms of communications such as "chalking" which is simply the act of using public side walks to spread messages and information by writing it down on the sidewalk. They have also banned the use of school email for communicating political agendas and spreading messages about upcoming events and voting opportunities. The universities defense is that they are trying to block out hate speech because not everyone may agree with it and they want to avoid offending anyone. The university does have some reasons for doing this that seem valid because they do own the school emails but it still doesn't warrant blocking the use of these communication devices because even though there is probably hate speech that could come about from these it doesn't mean everyone that will communicate this way will spread hate speech. This may protect some but it only takes away the opportunity for others who want to use this means of communication to help spread awareness which by default means that you are taking away the students first amendment rights to spread word about political events and new developments. 


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